Studio Meanwhile (Meanwhile Developments Ltd.) is a registered benefit corporation.

As a benefit corp. it means we believe in the power of collective action and approach our design of public spaces with a triple-bottom-line philosophy, With our consideration of people and the planet before bottom-line profits,

Our commitment is designing urban space for all and places that exist as common ground for people, regardless of the walk of life they are from.

Meanwhile partners with several environmental and social benefit partners in our work, here is a little more about the people, places and planet impact we are proud to weave into our work.


environmental partner

They call Ron Finley the “Gansta Gardener”. In 2010 Ron set out to make a change in his neighbourhood planting carrots in a dirt patch of unused land owned by the city. Cited for gardening without a permit by apparent landowners. Ron fought back and won, starting a revolution in urban gardening with a commitment to erase food deserts in communities without access to adequate fresh foods. Ron is a hero, a rebel and a leader in how we should all think about public spaces, use them and the most precious resource we all share. Earth.

View of commitment certification here

“Growing your own food is like printing your own money”

-Ron Finley


environmental partner

In 2023, Meanwhile committed to annually donate 1% of our gross annual sales to environmental partners as a certified partner of 1% for the planet.

Small actions add up to big impacts.

View our certification here