Manifesto | Urban Space for All

Shaping a city, or any space for that matter, for people is inherently a political act. Not much different from the street artist who picks up a can of spray paint to mark their form of urban renewal on the wall of a building, some city-shaping is planned, and some. happens as our cities take on lives of their own, with people making public spaces their own. Either way, our cities change every day. Our responsibility as citizens is to shape them together for the benefit of everyone. Our mental well-being is interwoven with our experiences in the public spaces available to us and all around us. Public spaces are the backdrop and setting for all our lives. The street is common ground and an equalizer for all. At their best, cities foster togetherness, playfulness, inspiration, inclusion, curiosity, and even awe. At Meanwhile, our designs are a positive projection of how we envision cities and urban spaces ought to be. Our products are here to inspire these changes—a prolific space to sit, a place to play with your kids, a spot for a new business to serve its community, a piece of urban art that sparks curiosity about the world around you. We serve with tools for placemakers. Urban space is for everyone, and our design is too. We’re here to build better hoods—we know you are too. We would love to hear the story of your neighbourhood and the changes you’re working on, and we hope we can lend a hand in making it a better place.